New Year New You!
Each New Year is a new chance for reflection and correction. To that end - err, that beginning - AMAS has amassed a short list (three books) of resources to get you started. These books span the topics of Love, Finance, and Lifestyle. Meanwhile, be sure to enjoy a fun New Year's Eve inspired look from our friends over at Indichino.
7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness
By Jim Rohn
“Without goals, it’s impossible to manage your time effectively and achieve your dream life. ”
Success is nothing more than the natural consequence of consistently applying the fundamentals of success. Happiness and wealth are no different. Jim Rohn promotes the 80 percent principle, which states that six significant practices make up eighty percent of whatever skill or goal you are trying to master. This excellent read addresses essential questions on health, wealth and personal achievement. For those of you who have fallen short of goals in the past, Mr. Rohn gives practical advice that can instantly be implemented.
Notable topics covered:
- The Four Great Motivators for Personal Achievement
- Learning the Science of Change
- The Four Attitudes Toward Time
- The Road to Living Well - (Lifestyle is style over amount)
The Art of Seduction
By Robert Greene
““Seduction is a game of psychology, not beauty, and it is within the grasp of any person to become a master at the game. All that is required is that you look at the world differently, through the eyes of a seducer.””
If you have to play the game, you might as well have the playbook. The Art of Seduction vividly illustrates how seduction is more than a sexual tool. With analogies from history, Greene explores the interstice of social and political temptation. In today's age where everyone has options, this book will help you understand the psychology of how to gain someone's affection and desire. Even if you are "out of the game," this book can assist with your ambitious endeavors by teaching the skills that work in day to day dealings with people. Packed with stories from fictional and historical figures this book will give you something to think about and apply for the next 365.
Notable Thoughts:
- The Seductive Character
- The 18 Types Of Seducers Subjects
- Seduction Phases
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
T. Harv Eker
“Money is extremely important In areas in which it works, and extremely unimportant in the areas in which it doesn’t. ”
In the age of the internet guru, everyone has a system to sell. Harv Eker differs from many authors by first looking into the psychology of the have's vs. the have-nots. He reminds readers that whatever results they are getting are linked to what is going on in one's mind. The second part of the book is then spent explaining seventeen different ways the wealthy and the middle class look at money. With practical action steps at the end of each principle, we believe you will find something to take your financial literacy to the next level.
Necessary Notables:
- Thoughts lead to feelings. Feelings lead to actions. Actions lead to results.
- When the subconscious mind must choose between deeply rooted emotions and logic emotions will almost always win.
- The habit of managing your money is more important than the amount.
Photos by Arturo Garza