men style advice

Model Reviews My Menswear Outfits | What Women Want Men To Wear

In celebration of International Women's Day! Join Goddess Bohem and AMAS as they showcase fly outfits and accessories from a woman's point of view.


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The Sweet Alchemist

Alchemy is the ancient theory and philosophy for changing accessible materials into more complex substances. Over time, Alchemists sought knowledge on natural elements and how they intertwined with arcane magicks and stargazing. Our world has changed much since these artisans walked the land, but their effect in the Modern era cannot be understated.

“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Feeling inspired by these revolutionary men and women, Chef Julien Chantereau bursts upon the scene with an alchemical approach to confectionaries. He is the Sweet Alchemist.


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